Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Concept Of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Commerce Essay
The Concept Of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Commerce Essay The concept of OCB has been implemented in organizations for their effective functioning and has promoted such behavior in public and private organizations, but in educational education institution OCB is still an unfamiliar concept. Thus, OCB is a useful term to describe voluntary teacher behavior that go Extra Mile to help students and colleagues to succeed. Thus, the study of OCB and effectiveness of teachers is vital so as to motivate them to do beyond of their formal duties and making effectiveness/performance of teachers as required for the betterment of institution. Thus, teachers in well functioning education institutions consistently go beyond the minimum expectations of formal job descriptions and contracts, hence, demonstrating goodwill, smooth functioning and efficiency of education institutions. Thus teachers in universities with high citizenship take it upon themselves to voluntare innovative suggestions, sponsor extra-curricular activities and serve on new comities and seminars more related to their studies. Moreover, teachers help students on their own time, stay after university to help students if necessary and resist the temptation to give students busy in work. Organizational citizenship behavior in universities provides a serious educational context in which teachers are rarely absent, make effective use of their time, work collaborately and emphasize on professional activities which results in increase of their effectiveness and directly influence the performance of teachers. The term OCB was first introduced by Bateman and Organ (1973). Background of the study. Organ (1988) originally coined the term organization citizenship behavior (OCB) and defined them as individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization. Also the willingness of the participant to go beyond the formal requirements of their position has been recognized as an essential component of the effective organization. Thus, OCBs can be said to lubricate the social machinery of the organization. Organ (1988) provided a multidimensional scale of OCB. The scale consists of five dimensions that make up the OCB construct the five dimensions are: Altruism: It is the behavior directed at helping a specific person at work (e.g. coworkers or supervisor). For example, altruism involves activities such as volunteering to assist a coworker with a project in you are not directly involves activities, or without being asked, assisting new employees. Compliance: Generalized compliance is employee conscientiousness that surpass enforceable work standards. For example, generalized compliance involves activities such as doing more than what is required to meet minimum task requirements or offering specific ideas to solve organizational problems without being asked. Sportsmanship: Sportsmanship is the tolerance of nuisances on the job (e.g. when employee endure impositions or inconveniences without compliant). Sportsmanship involves activities such not complaining or making huge issues out of minor problems or inconveniences. Courtesy: Courtesy is the act of touching the base with others before taking actions or making decisions that would affect their work (e.g. issuing reminders to coworkers, giving coworkers advance notice and passing along information). Civic Virtue: Civic virtue is the active participation and involvement of employees in company affairs and includes activities such as attending meetings, responding to messages and keeping up with organizational issues. As an example of different conceptualizations of OCB Statement of the problem. Teaching effectiveness is a major goal of education. It is recognized that teaching effectiveness has a far-fetched effect on the overall educational programme. Teachers competence refer to the behavior while teaching in a class. Effective teachers use pupils time differently than the less effective ones. Effective teachers spend more time in academic activities and teaching learning process. They inculcate the ideas into the minds of the students by applying various teaching strategies for this purpose they become humorists and witty in the classroom. They concentrate on communication skills. They focus on the subject matter and monitor the overall educational activities in classroom specifically and in the educational institution in general effectiveness in the sence that optimal results or near to such is obtained on the part of the pupils we in Pakistan are divided into different types of educational systems i.e. Government run, private and Madrassas or Maktabs. The teaching stan dard is different. Their evaluation criterion is also different. More conveniently, the curriculum and examination system are not the same. Due to these reasons the effectiveness need to be evaluated and its relationship with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). But as an individual each of the employee, whether he/she is a teacher or not, must be able to show the most favourable results in their respective fields. Different approaches are followed to assess effectiveness. It is conditional to the concerned field for which the employees contribution is judged. The variables or yardsticks may be different; the ultimate purpose is the same Effectiveness. Similar is the case with measuring organizational citizenship behaviour Objectives of the study. The main objective of this study is to find out any relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and effectiveness of university teachers. Finding on job or internal factors that influence a teacher organizational citizenship behavior and his/her effectiveness. The extent of personal growth and overall integrity provided by the institution. Giving recommendations for further improvement. 1.4 Scope of the study A teacher can be effective if he/she gets out of the job what he wants to get. There is a close relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and effectiveness (teaching). Falling standard of education is common now a days. So one may blame the teachers responsible for the deterioration of education teachers may be termed responsible but identification of the facts of their job, which sometimes lead the teachers towards ineffectiveness is also the responsibility of the system. These facts belong to both the external and internal environments of the teachers this study will help in the finding of such factors. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Organizational citizenship behaviors and performance has actually the subject matter of numerous research scholars. They have conducted various research studies and collections. The views of the various research scholars regarding organizational citizenship behavior and performance are enumerated as under. 2.1 Employee Behavior and Job Performance. Rotundo and Sacket (2000, P. 66) defined job performance as those actions and behaviors that are under control of the individuals and that contribute to the achievement of the organizations objectives. In higher education setting, Regoxs (2003) finds support for the relationship between OCB and the performance of university teachers, and in turns of students professional motivation and self confidence. His finding suggest that university teacher OCB may be associated with the quality of the teaching learning processes, however, that association is a unpublished to date. Most of the early research on OCB focused on its antecedents. More recently, increasing attention has been paid to the consequences of OCB (Padaskoff, et al.,2000). Finding from this line of research indicate that OCB has important consequences for both the organization and individual employee (Podaskoff, et al.,2000). At the organizational level, studies indicate that OCB I related to organization effectiveness (Podsakoff, Ahearne, and Mackenzie, 1997; Podsakoff and Mackenzie, 1994; Walz and Wiehoff, 1996). At the individual level, OCB has been found to affect supervisory evaluations of employee performance (Podaskoff, Mackenzie and Hui, 1993) reward recommendations . Katz (1964) states that three basic types of employee behaviors are critical for the overall effectiveness of any organization. People must be induced to remain within the system. People must carry out their role assignment in a dependable fashion. There must be innovative and spontaneous activity in achieving organizational objectives that goes beyond the role specifications. Behaviors (2) and (3) are the examples of Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (Organ, 1988) other examples of OCB are willingness to give time helping others who have work-related problems, taking steps to prevent problems with other worker and obeying organization rules, regulations and procedures even when no one is watching. Postulating that OCB may lead to positive outcomes such as high organizational performance and low turnover, researcher have investigated key antecedents of OCB (e.g Moorman, 1991; Organ and Konvovsky 1996; Podsakoff et al., 1990; Smith et al., 1983). Gregory Murphy et al., (2002) made a study to examine the role of OCB as a component of job performance. Participants comprised 41 human-service workers, who completed a job satisfaction questionnaire and were rated for their organizational citizenship, as well as being measured on three discretionary organizational participant behaviours job satisfaction correlated significantly with organizational citizenship behavior (Correlations ranged from + 0.40 to 0.67). 2.2 Factors Effecting the Organizational Behavior. Carol C. Bienstock, et al., (2003) have investigated that OCB links human resource management policies to desired service employee performance, enhancing customer perceptions of service quality and organizational financial outcomes. Furthermore, it demonstrates that these behaviors results in more effective service delivery to an organizational standards and enhance customer perceptions of service quality. Aaron Cohen, et al., (2004) were find the relationship between the dimensions of professionalism (profession as referred, sence of calling autonomy) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) was direct or mediated by variables representing justice perceptions (distributive justice, international justice, and formal procedures). Respondents were 1,0.35 registered nurses in four public hospitals in northern isreal. Supervisors in each medical unit at the hospitals provided data strongly supported the mediated model, namely the relationship between professionalism and OCB was mediated by variables representing justice in the workplace. The mediated effect as stronger for jewish nurses than for non-jewish nurses and for nurses with academic education in comparison to nurses with a non-academic educational several implications are drawn for the continuing examination of OCB. Carmen Barroso Castro, et al., (2004) have analyzed the effect of the service company employee behavior on customer perceptions of the quality of services received, and the consequent company performance. Organizational citizenship behavior has been recognized as relevant behavior of some employee, but its role regarding customer perceptions and company profitability remains unexplored. Beginning with a brief review of the conceptual background of the organizational citizenship behavior, service quality, and its consequence, this paper proposes a model to test these relationships empirically. Daniel J. Comeau et al., (2005) have conducted experiment on how the interaction of interdependence work environment and employee personality affect organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Structural interdependence, as defined by levels of tasks and goal interdependence, was manipulated in the laboratory setting to determine the effect on individual level OCB. Also, a regression analysis was utilized to determine whether interdependence could act as a moderator for the relationship between the personality variable agree bleness and OCB and conscientiousness and OCB. Ferry Koster et al., (2006) have conducted a survey and gathered data from 674 employees nine organizations scales are constructed using multiple group method. OLS regression is used to test the hypothesis, which contribute to the literature on OCB by examining how this kind of behavior is affected by the behavior of the supervisors and coworkers and this article also focus on horizontal and vertical dimensions of cooperative behavior simultaneously. Jose Varela Gonzalez, et al., (2006) have shown the relationship between organization service orientation (OSO), contact employee job satisfaction and organization citizenship behavior (OCB). For this they have carried a survey of 149 hotels firms which provides eimperical evidence about the positive effect of the OSO on employee job satisfaction and citizenship behavior in the hospitality industry. Soumend Biswas et al., (2007) indicated the relationship between psychological climate and employee performance, in the Indian environment that includes organization citizenship behavior (OCB) and job satisfaction as mediating variables. Data were taken from 357 managerial employees in the manufacturing and service sector to analyze the relationship. The result supports the hypothesis that individuals perceptions of the psychological climate in the organization has a significant positive impact on his/her willingness to engage in OCBs, as well as on his/her job satisfaction levels. Further, OCB and job satisfaction levels have a significant impact on individuals performance. Jawahar, I.M and Dean Carr (2007) conducted and survey to measure conscientiousness and contextual performance of professional employees. Data of 158 professional employees were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis and moderate hierarchical analysis was used to test hither to untested hypothesis. This study makes several contributions. For instance, it extends Motowildo et al., theory to include subjective measures of situational conditions as factor that interact with personality to influence contextual performance the study responds to lepline et als call for theory based attempts to identify variable that have different relationships across the dimensions of contextual performance. Drawing on individual difference and social exchange perspectives this study theorized and found that perceived organizational supports moderates the relationship between conscientiousness and organization directed contextual performance and that the quality of the leader member exchange experience moderates the relationship between conscientiousness and supervisor directed contextual performance. EVIJ, Hetty et a., (2007) examined the relationship between personality and three types of OCBs (Organizational Citizenship Behaviors), and to test for the potential moderating effects of team leader effectiveness on the relationship between personality and OCBs. Hypothesis were test with data from 268 teachers of secondary schools. The result indicate that extroverts and teachers open for experience engage more in OCBs towards their school than introverts and teachers less open for experience do. Teachers that are more conscientious score higher on OCBs towards students. That fits with the idea that being conscientious is being careful and responsible. Teachers with introverts and neurotic personalities become more engage in OCBs than extroverts and emotionally stable teachers do when they appreciate their team leader effectiveness. Omer Torlak and Umut Koc (2007) has made a study in which they examined the relationship between the materialistic attitudes of sales people working in pharmaceutical and household white goods and furniture (HWGF) sectors and their OCB. A total of 199 sales people who work for pharmaceutical and HWGF sectors in Eskischir, Turkey were surveyed. The questionnaire consisted of two scales to measure materialistic tendencies and OCB, respectively. The results of the study early indicate that materialistic attitude is one of the antecedents that have a negative impact on OCB. There are negative correlations between all dimensions of OCB and materialistic attitude. Manrique de Lara, PZ et al., (2007) have examined the relationship between an unfavourable attitudinal environment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) the proposed model suggests that organization anomic (OA) acts as a moderator of that link, and thus OA interacts with unfavourable attitudes and OCB by tightening their theoretical negative association. Data collected from 154 non teaching staff at a Spanish public university. Accessibility of the individual email accounts was similar for all employees. E-mail asking for collaboration were sent in two phases. A questionnaire was posted on the university interanet and could be accessed by clicking on a link in the e-mails multiple hierarchical regression results support the moderating role of OA of the unfavourable attitude OCB link because the unfavourable attitudes towards coworkers and towards the boss as-a-person among employees with compared with high OA, have a stronger negative relationship with OCB. OA moderation exis ted, but to varying degrees, between attitudes toward. Ones job and some dimensions of OCB (OCBI, and OCBI client). OA also intensified the unpredicted positive relationship between attitudes toward bosss performance and OCB. No moderating influences were observed in the case of attitudes toward oneself and toward clients (students). R. Gert et al., (2007) has conducted a survey of the development of the knowledge sharing and the role of knowledge sharing in predicting turnover intensions of registered professional nurses. A literature study was conducted to determine the concepts and activities linked to knowledge sharing in order to compile the questionnaire. The questionnaire was factor analyzed in order to determine the factor structure of the instrument. Thereafter, the construct of knowledge sharing was introduced together with organization culture and various proposed mediating variables, namely organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction, as well as various demographic variables to develop a predictive model of turnover intentions through applying general linear modeling. A cross sectional field survey design was used with a sample of 530 registered professional nurses in south Africa. A significant negative relationship was found between knowledge sharing behavior and turnover intentions. Furthermore, knowledge sharing interaction with organization culture in a final model where all the selected mediating and demographic variables were simultaneously entered into the equation to predict turnover intentions. Kim, Sangmook (2006) the main theme of this study is to investigate whether the distinct classes of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) such as altruism and generalized compliance are shown in the Korean context, and whether public service motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are predictors of OCB in Korean civil servants. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is applied to survey data of 1584 civil servants in Korea to examine the relationship between predictors and two dimensions of OCB. This analyzed the effect of public service motivation on OCB, and shows that public service motivation emerges as a more significant predictor of OCB in the public sector of Korea. It contributes to enhancing the applicability and meaningfulness of the concept of OCB across different cultures. Juliana D. Lilly et al., (2006) have made a study on the effect that work locus of control has on perceptions of trust, perceived organizational support, procedural justice and interactional justice. Data were collected from 679 alumi of a university in the southwestern USA. Regression analyses and structural equation modeling were used to test a series of hypotheses. The result indicate that work locus of control has a significant positive relationship on all variables. Perceived organizational support fully mediated the relationship between the work locus of control and perceptions of both procedural and interacional justice. Organizational trust fully mediated the relationship between work locus of control and interactional justice, but only partially mediated the relationship between work locus of control and procedural justice. 2.3 Perception Regarding OCB Caroline Aube et al., (2007) have conducted a research on that perceived organizational support (POS) is positively and significantly correlated with affective and normative commitment. The sample data includes 249 prison employees, that is by questionnaires. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analysis also support the moderating effect of locus of control and work autonomy with regard to the relationship between POS and affective commitment. This study highlights the importance of providing support to employees in order to faster their affective and normative commitment to the organization. Moreover, the results provide evidence in favour of managerial interventions aimed at enhancing perceived control and consequently, minimizing the negative effects of a lack of organization support on employees affective commitment. In addition to taking into account here dimensions of organizational commitment, this study underlines personality and job design factors that can modulate the relationship between POS and organizational commitment. Joo Y. Jung et al., (2008) have explore the relationship between the organizational culture (Organizational Citizenship Behavior OCB), TQM practice and organizational performance of the manquiladora companies. A structural equation modeling based on a cross sectional survey (N = 230) is conducted. As multinational companies (MNCs) implement innovative management methodology such as TQM practices, their organizational culture elements play significant roles towards the outcome. The organizational culture, represented by OCB, significantly impacts how TQM is managed and implemented. Furthermore, the result point out soft TQM elements have more significant impact than hard TQM element towards firms performance. The findings suggest that management should also focus on the intrinsic motivations of employees represented by OCB rather than the role emphasis on training and education. 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY `The previous chapter shows that a lot of research has been carried out in the past to study the relationship f organizational citizenship behavior with different variables. Here is another attempt to evaluate the correlation between organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and effectiveness of teachers a case study of University of Peshawar this chapter consists of population, sampling, sources of data collection, method for gathering data and statistical analysis. 3.1 Purpose of the Study As stated earlier the main purpose of the study is to find out the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and effectiveness of university teachers. 3.2 Population All teachers working in University of Peshawar constitute the population for this research study. 3.3 Sampling Sampling is a process of selecting a sufficient number of elements from the population, (i.e. sample), so that a study of the sample and understanding of its properties or characteristics would make it possible for us to generalize such properties or characteristics to the population elements for example sample statistic X (the sample mean) and S (standard deviation) are used as estimates of the population parameter m and d . 3.4 Stratified Random Sampling Method As its name implies, involves a process of stratification or segregation, followed by random selection of subjects from each stratum. The population is first divided into mutual exclusive i.e. each of the groups should be internally homogenous and externally different from one another, groups that are relevant, appropriate and meaningful in the context of the study and subjects are selected randomly from each stratum. In the present research case a proportionate stratified random sample is used because there is a probability that the population frame of different stratum may be the same sample and the same percentage of population is taken. For the purpose of collecting data the University of Peshawar having faculties of Arts and Humanities, Islamic and oriented studies, life and environmental sciences, management and information sciences, numerical and physical sciences and faculty of social sciences have been considered as a stratum. Employees of each strata have been selected thro ugh stratified random sample for the comparative study. 3.5 Hypothesis Null Hypothesis: Ho: Teachers have OCB and teachers have not OCB are equally effective. Alternative Hypothesis (HA): Teachers have OCB is more effective than teachers have not OCB. 3.6 Research Tools/Instruments The following two instruments will be used and utilized for collecting and gathered data. They are: Questionnaire Observation check list 3.7 Test Statistic Sometimes, the actual measurement or counts of individual or objects are either not available, or accurate assessment is not possible, they are then arranged in order according to some characteristics of interest. Such an ordered arrangement is called a ranking and the order given to an individual or object is called its rank. The correlation between such sets of ranking is known as Rank correlation. By formula: Where di = xi yi xi is the first observation yi is the 2nd observation It is known as spearmans coefficient of Rank correlation. has the least value and is zero when the numbers are incomplete agreement. i.e. When they are in complete disagreement attains the maximum value equal to rs = -1 for = In case any tied observation is found the formula becomes. r = Where xi and yi are ranks given to two objects. ÃŽà £ stands for summation/sum x stands for organizational citizenship behavior-OCB y stands for effectiveness of teaching n stands for number of observation. LITERATURE CITED Bateman and Organ (1973). Employee Psyche, International Journal of Manpower, Vol 27, pp. 728 Bateman and Organ (1973). Employee Psyche, International Journal of Manpower, Vol 27, pp. 728 B. Soumendu, V. Arup (2007) Psychological climate and individual performance in India: test of mediated model, Employee Relations, Vol. 29, No.5 C. Aaron, K. 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Friday, January 17, 2020
Shadow Kiss Chapter 28
Twenty-eight THE NEXT TWELVE HOURS were the longest in my life. Our group made it back to campus safely, though most of it was done at a run ââ¬â which was hard with so many injured. The entire time I felt nauseous, presumably because Strigoi were near. If they were, they never caught up to us, and it's possible I was simply sick from everything that had happened in the caves. Once back behind the wards, the other novices and I were forgotten. We were safe, and the adults now had a lot of other things to concern themselves with. All of the captives had been rescued ââ¬â all the ones that were alive. As I'd feared, the Strigoi had decided to munch on one before we got there. That meant we had rescued twelve. Six guardians ââ¬â including Dimitri ââ¬â had been lost. Those weren't bad numbers considering how many Strigoi we'd faced, but when you took the difference, it really meant we'd only saved six lives. Had the loss of all those guardians' lives been worth it? ââ¬Å"You can't look at it that way,â⬠Eddie told me as we walked toward the clinic. Everyone, prisoners and raiders, had been ordered to get checked out. ââ¬Å"You didn't just save those lives. You guys killed almost thirty Strigoi, plus the ones on campus. Think about all the people they would have killed. You essentially saved all those people's lives too.â⬠A rational part of me knew he was right. But what did rationality have to do with anything when Dimitri might be dead? It was petty and selfish, but in that moment, I wanted to trade all those lives for his. He wouldn't have wanted that, though. I knew him. And through the tiniest, smallest chance, it was possible he wasn't dead. Even though the bite had looked pretty serious, that Strigoi could have incapacitated him and then fled. He could be lying in the caves right now, dying and in need of medical care. It drove me crazy, thinking of him like that and us unable to help. There was no way we could go back, however. Not until daytime. Another party would go then to bring back our dead so that we could bury them. Until then, I had to wait. Dr. Olendzki gave me a quick check, decided I didn't have a concussion, and then sent me on my way to bandage my own scrapes. She had too many others to worry about right now who were in far worse condition. I knew the smart thing was to go to my dorm or to Lissa. I could have used the rest, and through the bond, I felt her calling to me. She was worried. She was afraid. I knew she'd find out the news soon, though. She didn't need me, and I didn't want to see her. I didn't want to see anyone. So rather than go to my dorm, I went to the chapel. I needed to do something until the caves could be checked out. Praying was as good an option as any. The chapel was usually empty in the middle of the day, but not this time. I shouldn't have been surprised. Considering the death and tragedy of the last twenty-four hours, it was only natural that people would seek comfort. Some sat alone, some sat in groups. They cried. They knelt. They prayed. Some simply stared off into space, clearly unable to believe what had happened. Father Andrew moved around the sanctuary, speaking to many of them. I found an empty pew in the very back corner and sat there. Drawing my knees up to me, I wrapped my arms around them and rested my head. On the walls, icons of saints and angels watched over all of us. Dimitri couldn't be dead. There was no way he could be. Surely, if he was, I would know. No one could take a life like that from the world. No one who had held me in bed like he had yesterday could really be gone. We had been too warm, too alive. Death couldn't follow something like that. Lissa's chotki was around my wrist, and I ran my fingers over the cross and the beads. I tried desperately to put my thoughts into the forms of prayers, but I didn't know how. If God was real, I figured He was powerful enough to know what I wanted without me actually saying the right words. Hours passed. People came and went. I got tired of sitting and eventually stretched myself across the length of the pew. From the gold-painted ceiling, more saints and angels stared down at me. So much divine help, I thought, but what good were they really doing? I didn't even realize I'd fallen asleep until Lissa woke me up. She looked like an angel herself, the pale hair hanging long and loose around her face. Her eyes were as gentle and compassionate as those of the saints. ââ¬Å"Rose,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"We've been looking all over for you. Have you been here the entire time?â⬠I sat up, feeling tired and bleary-eyed. Considering I hadn't slept the night before and had then gone on a massive raid, my fatigue was understandable. ââ¬Å"Pretty much,â⬠I told her. She shook her head. ââ¬Å"That was hours ago. You should go eat something.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm not hungry.â⬠Hours ago. I clutched her arm. ââ¬Å"What time is it? Has the sun come up?â⬠ââ¬Å"No. It's still about, oh, five hours away.â⬠Five hours. How could I wait that long? Lissa touched my face. I felt magic burn through our bond, and then the warm and cold tingling coursed through my own skin. Bruises and cuts disappeared. ââ¬Å"You shouldn't do that,â⬠I said. A faint smile crossed her lips. ââ¬Å"I've been doing it all day. I've been helping Dr. Olendzki.â⬠ââ¬Å"I heard that, but wow. It just feels so strange. We've always kept it hidden, you know?â⬠ââ¬Å"It doesn't matter if everyone knows now,â⬠she said with a shrug. ââ¬Å"After everything that's happened, I had to help. So many people are hurt, and if it means my secret getting outâ⬠¦well, it had to happen sooner or later. Adrian's been helping too, though he can't do as much.â⬠And then, it hit me. I straightened up. ââ¬Å"Oh my God, Liss. You can save him. You can help Dimitri.â⬠Deep sorrow filled her face and the bond. ââ¬Å"Rose,â⬠she said quietly. ââ¬Å"They say Dimitri's dead.â⬠ââ¬Å"No,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"He can't be. You don't understand. â⬠¦ I think he was just injured. Probably badly. But if you're there when they bring him back, you can heal him.â⬠Then, the craziest thought of all came to me. ââ¬Å"And ifâ⬠¦ if he did die â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The words hurt coming out. ââ¬Å"You could bring him back! Just like with me. He'd be shadow-kissed too.â⬠Her face grew even sadder. Sorrow ââ¬â for me now ââ¬â radiated out from her. ââ¬Å"I can't do that. Bringing people back from the dead is a huge power drainâ⬠¦and besides, I don't think I could do it on someone who has been dead, um, that long. I think it has to be recent.â⬠I could hear the crazy desperation in my own voice. ââ¬Å"But you have to try.â⬠ââ¬Å"I can'tâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ She swallowed. ââ¬Å"You heard what I said to the queen. I meant it. I can't go around bringing every dead person back to life. That gets into the kind of abuse Victor wanted. It's why we kept this secret.â⬠ââ¬Å"You'd let him die? You wouldn't do this? You wouldn't do this for me?â⬠I wasn't shouting, but my voice was definitely too loud for a church. Most everyone was gone now, and with the level of grief around here, I doubted anyone thought too much of an outburst. ââ¬Å"I would do anything for you. You know that. And you won't do this for me?â⬠I was on the verge of sobbing. Lissa studied me, a million thoughts swirling in her mind. She assessed my words, my face, my voice. And like that, she finally got it. She finally realized what I felt for Dimitri, that it was more than a teacher-student bond. I felt the knowledge light up in her mind. Countless connections suddenly came together for her: comments I'd made, ways that Dimitri and I acted around each other â⬠¦ it all made sense to her now, things she'd been too blind to notice. Questions immediately sprang up too, but she didn't ask any of them or even mention what she'd realized. Instead, she just took my hand in hers and pulled me close. ââ¬Å"I'm so sorry, Rose. I'm so, so sorry. I can't.â⬠I let her drag me away after that, presumably to get food. But when I sat at the cafeteria table and stared at the tray in front of me, the thought of eating anything made me sicker than being around the Strigoi had. She gave up after that, realizing nothing was going to happen until I knew what had happened to Dimitri. We went up to her room, and I lay down on the bed. She sat near me, but I didn't want to talk, and I soon fell asleep again. The next time I woke up, it was my mother beside me. ââ¬Å"Rose, we're going to check the caves. You can't go into them, but you can come to the school's borders with us if you want.â⬠It was the best I could get. If it meant I could find out what had happened to Dimitri a moment sooner than if I stayed here, I'd do it. Lissa came with me, and we trailed behind the assembled guardian party. I was still hurt by her refusal to heal Dimitri, but a part of me secretly thought she wouldn't be able to hold back once she saw him. The guardians had assembled a large group to check the caves, just in case. We were pretty sure the Strigoi were gone, however. They'd lost their advantage and had to know that if we came back for the dead, it would be with renewed numbers. Any of them that had survived would be gone. The guardians crossed over the wards, and the rest of us who had followed along waited by the border. Hardly anyone spoke. It would probably be three hours before they came back, counting travel time. Trying to ignore the dark, leaden feeling inside of me, I sat on the ground and rested my head against Lissa's shoulder, wishing the minutes would fly by. A Moroi fire user created a bonfire, and we all warmed ourselves by it. The minutes didn't fly, but they did eventually pass. Someone shouted that the guardians were coming back. I leapt up and ran to look. What I saw drove me to a halt. Stretchers. Stretchers carrying the bodies of those who had been killed. Dead guardians, their faces pale and eyes unseeing. One of the watching Moroi went and threw up in a bush. Lissa started crying. One by one, the dead filed past us. I stared, feeling cold and empty, wondering if I'd see their ghosts the next time I went outside the wards. Finally, the whole group had gone by. Five bodies, but it had felt like five hundred. And there was one body I hadn't seen. One I'd been dreading. I ran up to my mother. She was helping carry a stretcher. She wouldn't look at me and undoubtedly knew what I'd come to ask. ââ¬Å"Where's Dimitri?â⬠I demanded. ââ¬Å"Is heâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ It was too much to hope for, too much to ask. ââ¬Å"Is he alive?â⬠Oh God. What if my prayers had been answered? What if he was back there injured, waiting for them to send a doctor? My mother didn't answer right away. I barely recognized her voice when she did. ââ¬Å"He wasn't there, Rose.â⬠I stumbled over the uneven ground and had to hurry up to catch her again. ââ¬Å"Wait, what's that mean? Maybe he's injured and left to get helpâ⬠¦.â⬠She still wouldn't look at me. ââ¬Å"Molly wasn't there either.â⬠Molly was the Moroi who had been snacked on. She was my age, tall and beautiful. I'd seen her body in the cave, drained of blood. She had definitely been dead. There was no way she'd been injured and staggered out. Molly and Dimitri. Both their bodies gone. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠I gasped out. ââ¬Å"You don't thinkâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ A tear leaked out of my mother's eye. I'd never seen anything like that from her. ââ¬Å"I don't know what to think, Rose. If he survived, it's possibleâ⬠¦it's possible they took him for later.â⬠The thought of Dimitri as a ââ¬Å"snackâ⬠was too horrible for words ââ¬â but it wasn't as horrible as the alternative. We both knew it. ââ¬Å"But they wouldn't have taken Molly for later. She'd been dead a while.â⬠My mother nodded. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry, Rose. We can't know for sure. It's likely they're both just dead, and the Strigoi dragged their bodies off.â⬠She was lying. It was the first time in my entire life that my mother had ever told me a lie to protect me. She wasn't the comforting kind, wasn't the kind who would make up pretty stories in order to make someone feel better. She always told the harsh truth. Not this time. I stopped walking, and the group continued filing past me. Lissa caught up, worried and confused. ââ¬Å"What's happening?â⬠she asked. I didn't answer. Instead, I turned and ran backwards, back toward the wards. She ran after me, calling my name. No one else noticed us because honestly, who in the world was stupid enough to cross the wards after everything that had happened? I was, although in daylight, I had nothing to fear. I ran past the place Jesse's group had attacked her, stepping across the invisible lines that marked the boundaries of the Academy's grounds. Lissa hesitated a moment and then joined me. She was breathless from running after me. ââ¬Å"Rose, what are you ââ¬â ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Mason!â⬠I cried. ââ¬Å"Mason, I need you.â⬠It took him a little while to materialize. This time, he not only seemed ultra-pale, he also appeared to be flickering, like a light about to go out. He stood there, watching me, and although his expression was the same as always, I had the weirdest feeling that he knew what I was going to ask. Lissa, beside me, kept glancing back and forth between me and the spot I was speaking to. ââ¬Å"Mason, is Dimitri dead?â⬠Mason shook his head. ââ¬Å"Is he alive?â⬠Mason shook his head. Neither alive nor dead. The world swam around me, sparkles of color dancing before my eyes. The lack of food had made me dizzy, and I was on the verge of fainting. I had to stay in control here. I had to ask the next question. Out of all the victimsâ⬠¦out of all the victims they could have chosen, surely they wouldn't have picked him. The next words stuck in my throat, and I sank to my knees as I spoke them. ââ¬Å"Is he â⬠¦ is Dimitri a Strigoi?â⬠Mason hesitated only a moment, like he was afraid to answer me, and then ââ¬â he nodded. My heart shattered. My world shattered. You will lose what you value mostâ⬠¦. It hadn't been me that Rhonda was talking about. It hadn't even been Dimitri's life. What you value most. It had been his soul.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Descriptive Essay - Original Writing Essay - 1288 Words
I doubled over as I threw up suddenly on the sidewalk. A heavy torrent of bile and whatever else had lined my stomach. I noticed tears cascade down my cheeks as I heaved and gagged, acid burning my throat and my nose as I clutched my stomach. Falling to my knees, I spat on the ground as I tried to breathe evenly. After my stomach seemed to settle I carried on, stumbling over my own feet. My legs felt like lead, my arms stiff beside me. The backpack in my hand dangling limply, scraping the ground. emptiness didn t fade, not this time. I had spent so long thinking about it all, I had spent ages mulling it over in my head, contemplating every move. Numbness suddenly took over me, uncaring ice piercing my skin and shooting through my veins. As much as I knew people needed me, how much my mum needed me. None of that mattered in the inky street. The only thing that mattered was the glimmering dark hope in the back of my mind, the one bringing me closer and closer to my end. I had planned all of it. A note was pre-written, safely tucked away in my desk drawer. It pained me, writing that letter might ve been the hardest thing I had ever do This would be what people remembered me from. The last one-sided conversation scrawled onto compressed, bleached wood that would have to suffice my last words. The words that would stick with me forever. Nothing I had written seemed enough, enough to console my family when they eventually found it. To convince them it was better this way. InShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1110 Words à |à 5 PagesI donââ¬â¢t know how I got to where I am, but Iââ¬â¢m here now, and I have to win if I want to live. I am in a game, and in order to live, I have to escape. Thatââ¬â¢s the thing, though: I donââ¬â¢t know how to escape. I was running for my life around this old house that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. I doubled over and held my head in pain as I saw the static, which meant it was coming. I was being chased by what looked like a person but in no way acted like one. Just as it was about to appearRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1102 Words à |à 5 PagesIt is on days like this when we stop to think about our life. Small drops of rain begin to dapple the cobblestone pavement as people whip out their umbrellas for cover. I continue sauntering down the busy street, relishing the feeling of a light shower. Moving with the mass of pedestrians, I stop at a crosswalk where I wait for the stoplight to turn green. A flower shop employee across the street scurries to bring in the numerous bouquets and close the doors as rain starts rolling down the displayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing914 Words à |à 4 PagesDreamy I thought. Standing on the corner is a young guy with a smile. I see him here almost every day, so I linger for a while. He tells me his name, and I tell him mine. I m Ester, what s your name? I enquired. My names Davi d .,He replied. We end up talking for a while and I asked him if he had ever left this city. He tells me of all these stories of the places where he s been, the distant lakes and mountains, and in valleys oh so green. I can see it in his eyes, he really has beenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing974 Words à |à 4 Pages I was used to moving round, having a mother who liked to travel more than making roots was something I had gotten used to. Still, I had never gotten used to the loneliness of an empty house when she was out exploring, or the feeling of leaving behind someone who could have meant something to me. Our most recent move was Oregon. It was pretty, and I didnââ¬â¢t mind it, but it was much different than Florida. Not only was it opposite sides of the country, it felt as if it were opposite worlds. InRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1012 Words à |à 5 Pageshave plenty of time in the next month to think about my feeling in regards to Kendrick. I needed to finish up the article and get it off to my editor. I should be able to get it done by tonight and send an email in the morning. I was thinking of writing my next article about the sea life around the Scottish coast. Since our salmon dinner last evening I thought I would do a piece about the commercial salmon farming that began in Scotland in 1969. In 2002 over 145,000 metric tons of farmed AtlanticRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1561 Words à |à 7 PagesThereââ¬â¢s something I need to say and what follows may not be something that youââ¬â¢d expect, it wonââ¬â¢t be heartening or uplifting. If you remember today, I told you about going somewhere I wanted to go toâ⬠¦ Iââ¬â¢m not sure if you believed and accepted what I now confess as untrue; it is partly. I needed to pull away emo tionallyâ⬠¦ from you. You must have had fathomed that some degree of formality had seeped between us. Born of habit, formulaic greetings had become a routine. You presume that Iââ¬â¢m a close friendRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1387 Words à |à 6 PagesI was wearing a beautiful blue dress with sapphire gems all around the chest area as I entered the ball with Ciel and Sebastian. I took a good look around here, the hallway was lined with gold. There was a servant ready to escort us to the ball room. Hello, come this way. He said, walking forward. Wow, this place is so fancy! I exclaimed, looking around. It s fake gold. Ciel bluntly replied, bringing my hopes down. I sighed. Ciel sounded like he wasn t in a very good mood. Ciel, lightenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1287 Words à |à 6 Pages In the morning, Caireann woke me up. She stood above my bed, shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes, looking at her. Then I looked across the room to her empty bed. Andy s empty bed sat in the corner. I swallowed, climbing out of bed. Sleep well? Caireann asked me, starting out the door. Yeah, I said, going over to our small dresser. I had the bottom two drawers. Andy had the middle two, and Caireann had the top. I pulled open the drawers, pulling on a colorful tank top and a grayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1345 Words à |à 6 PagesLater that night, I was behind the wheel of my G-Wagon with Melissa in the passenger seat. She didnââ¬â¢t feel like driving since she was on the road all day and I understood so I didnââ¬â¢t mind when she asked me to. I had been tight-lipped. She kept eyeballing me as if she detected that something was bothering me but I just kept singing to my India Arie as if I was carefree. ââ¬Å"So are you going to tell me whatââ¬â¢s going on or noâ⬠Melissa said disrupting my own personal concert. I stopped singing and tookRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1085 Words à |à 5 PagesI WAS SITTING IN a taxi, wondering if I had overdressed for the evening, when I looked out the window and saw Mom rooting through a Dumpster. It was just after dark. A blustery March wind whipped the steam coming out of the manholes, and people hurried along the sidewalks with their collars turned up. I was stuck in traffic two blocks from the party where I was heading. Mom stood fifteen feet away. She had tied rags around her shoulders to keep out the spring chill and was picking through the trash Descriptive Essay - Original Writing Essay - 1288 Words Sitting in the shower, face buried in my hands. My mind racing between repetitions of the filthy names I heard her call again and again, to my own filthy thoughts and names I canââ¬â¢t help but declare myself and back to the present. My stomach churned like a storm, I wanted to cry but I had no tears left to shed. I could only sob and heave and hope maybe some sign of life would occur. Huddled in fetal position beneath the steady flow of the shower head, I freed one arm and grabbed the razor I must always keep ready. Drawing it harshly against my skin I was relieved as red rivers of life flowed down my leg and onto the shower floor. Physically alive. Mentally distraught. But all I can do is repeat. Everyone says my motherââ¬â¢s words are just punishment, itââ¬â¢s her right, and I should get over it. So I did. This is the only way for many people like me. Fight, hurt, go numb, wonder if you are alive, check and repeat. Some thousands of men woman and particularly children fall victim to verbal psychological abuse. It is commonly accepted as jokes or a form of parental or spousal punishment and ignored, the amount of ignorance has grown more and more so as we finally see articles popping up about our very own presidential candidate, supported by millions, openly verbally abuses groups, genders and individuals. A new article from the @ParentHerald releases an APA study saying that parent alienation, common in divorced homes, has officially been categorized as psychological abuse. AnotherShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1110 Words à |à 5 PagesI donââ¬â¢t know how I got to where I am, but Iââ¬â¢m here now, and I have to win if I want to live. I am in a game, and in order to live, I have to escape. Thatââ¬â¢s the thing, though: I donââ¬â¢t know how to escape. I was running for my life around this old house that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. I doub led over and held my head in pain as I saw the static, which meant it was coming. I was being chased by what looked like a person but in no way acted like one. Just as it was about to appearRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1102 Words à |à 5 PagesIt is on days like this when we stop to think about our life. Small drops of rain begin to dapple the cobblestone pavement as people whip out their umbrellas for cover. I continue sauntering down the busy street, relishing the feeling of a light shower. Moving with the mass of pedestrians, I stop at a crosswalk where I wait for the stoplight to turn green. A flower shop employee across the street scurries to bring in the numerous bouquets and close the doors as rain starts rolling down the displayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing914 Words à |à 4 PagesDreamy I thought. Standing on the corner is a young guy with a smile. I see him here almost every day, so I linger for a while. He tells me his name, and I tell h im mine. I m Ester, what s your name? I enquired. My names David .,He replied. We end up talking for a while and I asked him if he had ever left this city. He tells me of all these stories of the places where he s been, the distant lakes and mountains, and in valleys oh so green. I can see it in his eyes, he really has beenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing974 Words à |à 4 Pages I was used to moving round, having a mother who liked to travel more than making roots was something I had gotten used to. Still, I had never gotten used to the loneliness of an empty house when she was out exploring, or the feeling of leaving behind someone who could have meant something to me. Our most recent move was Oregon. It was pretty, and I didnââ¬â¢t mind it, but it was much different than Florida. Not only was it opposite sides of the country, it felt as if it were opposite worlds. InRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1012 Words à |à 5 Pageshave plenty of time in the next month to think about my feeling in regards to Kendrick. I needed to finish up the article and get it off to my editor. I should be able to get it done by tonight and send an email in the morning. I was thinking of writing my next article about the sea life around the Scottish coast. Since our salmon dinner last evening I thought I would do a piece about the commercial salmon farming that began in Scotland in 1969. In 2002 over 145,000 metric tons of farmed AtlanticRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1561 Words à |à 7 PagesThereââ¬â¢s something I need to say and what follows may not be something that youââ¬â¢d expect, it wonââ¬â¢t be heartening or uplifting. If you remember today, I told you about going somewhere I wanted to go toâ⬠¦ Iââ¬â¢m not sure if you believed and accepted what I now confess as untrue; it is partly. I needed to pull away emo tionallyâ⬠¦ from you. You must have had fathomed that some degree of formality had seeped between us. Born of habit, formulaic greetings had become a routine. You presume that Iââ¬â¢m a close friendRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1387 Words à |à 6 PagesI was wearing a beautiful blue dress with sapphire gems all around the chest area as I entered the ball with Ciel and Sebastian. I took a good look around here, the hallway was lined with gold. There was a servant ready to escort us to the ball room. Hello, come this way. He said, walking forward. Wow, this place is so fancy! I exclaimed, looking around. It s fake gold. Ciel bluntly replied, bringing my hopes down. I sighed. Ciel sounded like he wasn t in a very good mood. Ciel, lightenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1287 Words à |à 6 Pages In the morning, Caireann woke me up. She stood above my bed, shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes, looking at her. Then I looked across the room to her empty bed. Andy s empty bed sat in the corner. I swallowed, climbing out of bed. Sleep well? Caireann asked me, starting out the door. Yeah, I said, going over to our small dresser. I had the bottom two drawers. Andy had the middle two, and Caireann had the top. I pulled open the drawers, pulling on a colorful tank top and a grayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1345 Words à |à 6 PagesLater that night, I was behind the wheel of my G-Wagon with Melissa in the passenger seat. She didnââ¬â¢t feel like driving since she was on the road all day and I understood so I didnââ¬â¢t mind when she asked me to. I had been tight-lipped. She kept eyeballing me as if she detected that something was bothering me but I just kept singing to my India Arie as if I was carefree. ââ¬Å"So are you going to tell me whatââ¬â¢s going on or noâ⬠Melissa said disrupting my own personal concert. I stopped singing and tookRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1085 Words à |à 5 PagesI WAS SITTING IN a taxi, wondering if I had overdressed for the evening, when I looked out the window and saw Mom rooting through a Dumpster. It was just after dark. A blustery March wind whipped the steam coming out of the manholes, and people hurried along the sidewalks with their collars turned up. I was stuck in traffic two blocks from the party where I was heading. Mom stood fifteen feet away. She had tied rags around her shoulders to keep out the spring chill and was picking through the trash
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
What s The Whole Point Of School Uniforms - 801 Words
Whatââ¬â¢s the whole point of school uniforms? Do we really need to spend billions of dollars on them? Letââ¬â¢s express our style with the clothes and the colors we wear by getting rid of school uniforms! School uniforms make the school plain and we need to express our own style, make it colorful! School uniforms donââ¬â¢t change the way people act, and you can still bully others. Proponents say that school uniforms are an advantage on how to judge an intruder, but opponents say that school uniforms are a disadvantage on how to express your style. We should get rid of these uniforms. Is spending billions of dollars on school uniforms worth it? Is it gonna make a difference to the school? According to, Americans spend around 1 billion dollars on school uniforms.. Is that worth it? Students would rather have a little fun at school than suffer the price of school uniforms. School uniforms donââ¬â¢t even judge if an intruder is on campus. So why make the parents s uffer from not being able to pay the money for school uniforms.? According to, it would be hard for poor families to pay for school uniforms. So why would you have to basically pay to go to school? If you donââ¬â¢t pay then youââ¬â¢ll probably not be able to go to school and thatââ¬â¢ll make parents mad. School uniforms shouldnââ¬â¢t stop you from expressing your style and colors. If you were to be put into the principal shoeââ¬â¢s, would you have school uniforms? The cost of uniforms take away students freedom to expressShow MoreRelatedEssay about School Uniforms Save Time718 Words à |à 3 Pagesto head to school. You have to wake up every day the moment that alarm goes off or else youââ¬â¢re toast. If you are late again, your school record is sure to take a hit. But waitâ⬠¦ what are you going to wear? Is this a dilemma you face each morning? Do you have trouble wanting to get out of your bed, and then faced with the troubling question of wh at cool, clean, unwrinkled outfit you should wear that day? This is where school uniforms come in. Donââ¬â¢t you think that just slapping on a uniform would be muchRead MoreWhy School Uniforms Should Be Required1333 Words à |à 6 Pages The Need for School Uniforms School is a place to learn, grow and acquire the necessary fundamentals to become a productive adult in society. I believe school uniformity create an environment where kids can learn and focus on their education. School uniforms should be required in grades pre-kindergarten to twelfth grade. I recognize that school uniforms create structure and discipline, equality and a sense of belonging amongst each other, and lastly school uniforms are cost effective. There haveRead MoreSchool Uniforms Should Not Be Banned1440 Words à |à 6 PagesSchool uniforms began in the sixteenth century. England was the first to use school uniforms. The uniforms were for the poor children attending charity schools to distinguish them from the other students. Three hundred years later, better English schools were making the students wear school uniforms. The controversy for school uniforms in American schools began in the nineteen eighties (ââ¬Å"Historyâ⬠, n.d.). Although school uniforms were found in private schools, in nineteen eighty seven the first publicRead MoreWhy Emigration Is A Better Idea Than Moral Suasion1479 Words à |à 6 Pagessuasion were two concepts that were big controversies in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. A school of thought asserted that all blacks should emigrate to Africa. However, the other group opposed this idea and rather used moral suasion to support their opinion. They encouraged blacks to stay, but behave in an appropriate manner and not cause trouble. I side with the former school of thought and believe that emigration is a better idea than moral suasion. In this context, emigration isRead MoreThe Leadership Challenge Of General George S. Patton During World War II Essay1440 Words à |à 6 Pagesof war. Both the American Civil War and World War II showed what was possible through good leadership. From abolishing slavery and preserving the Union, to fighting tyranny and oppression abroad, both events in American history had a profound impact on all those involved. The impact would most certainly be different if not for the leadership of Colonel Lawrence Chamberlain of the Union Army during the Civil War and General George S. Patton during World War II. Both leaders possessed the 5 practicesRead More Dress Codes and School Uniforms Essay1709 Words à |à 7 PagesDress Codes and School Uniforms The ringing of the alarm clock that is placed conveniently beside your bed wakes you. The sound startles your brain into getting out of your warm, cozy bed. It is time to go to school. You must wake up now in order to make it on time. If you are late again, your teacher will probably give you that nasty look of dismissal. What are you going to wear? Is this a dilemma you face each morning? Do you have trouble wanting to get out of your bed, and then you areRead More PIE CHART - Data Visualization for Businesses Essay899 Words à |à 4 Pagesrepresentation must be visually appealing and easy to understand. By keeping it simple, it allows the broadest number of users to interpret the data, gain insights as to its meaning and facilitate communication on the data ultimately to solve the companyà ¡Ã ¦s problem. Data visualization is the use of interactive, sensory representations, typically visual, of abstract data to reinforce cognition. (, 2005) That in itself is a method or technique of decision-making. To further break it down, theRead MoreShould School Dress Code Be Enforced? Public Schools?1285 Words à |à 6 Pagesproblemâ⬠, but to the average high school student, gaining the freedom ââ¬Ëno dress codeââ¬â¢ grants is incredible. The fact of the matter is, the rigid enforcement of student dress code h as gone too far in today s society and dehumanizes us as citizens. Although school dress code attempts to promote modesty and protection, it also reinforces gender inequality, smothers individualism, is unconstitutional, and should not be enforced in public schools. I agree with few school dress code standards such asRead MoreWhat Is the Importance of Uniformity Essay1027 Words à |à 5 Pageswhat is the importance of uniformity ,dress right dress, and discipline in the army? the importance of uniformity is to make everyone become and look equal. there are no differences between us, no separation because we are all a team. what is the point of uniformity, when a whole platoon is uniformed it shows discipline and being in uniform is one of the things that is part of the foundation of the army. Without uniformity there cannot be discipline, and then it turns into a chain reaction and destroyingRead MoreThe Role Of Socialization And Its Effect On Society1520 Words à |à 7 Pagescultural norms and values to new generations. Although children are socialised by their parents, each familyââ¬â¢s norms may differ and so schools are useful to teach universalistic values and expectations. However this process of socialisation causes both positiv e and negative labelling which can stunt student achievement (Nelson Thornes, 2008). When pupils first enter High School they are likely to be put into sets on basis of potential. A students Social class appearance, behaviour or language style can
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